Member Spotlight

Noelia Galvez

Noelia Galvez

Meet Noelia Galvez

Hillbrook High School

Level: High School

I teach: Spanish

Favorite Part of being an ACTFL Member:

As a native Spanish teacher living in California, my favorite part of being an ACTFL member is the opportunity to connect with other language teaching professionals and share experiences, resources, and best practices. Membership in ACTFL provides me access to a wide range of resources, such as updated teaching materials, professional development opportunities, and educational conferences, which enrich my teaching and help me grow as a language educator. Additionally, being an ACTFL member allows me to stay current with the latest trends and approaches in language teaching, enabling me to offer my students a high-quality and relevant educational experience tailored to their needs. In summary, I joined ACTFL to be part of a vibrant and collaborative professional community that shares my passion for language teaching and supports me in my ongoing professional development.

Favorite Part of Career:

One of the most memorable moments of my career thus far has been facilitating connections between my Spanish students and students in Spain, witnessing the growth of lasting relationships. Another highlight was when a friend and I collaborated on a wall mural depicting Pablo Picasso, who was born in the same city as me. We completed this project in a financially disadvantaged area of California. Providing students with such a meaningful and enriching experience was truly unforgettable.

One thing I Recently Learned:

One thing I learned in my career is the importance of cultural competency and sensitivity. This goes beyond language proficiency and involves understanding and appreciating the cultural nuances, customs, and perspectives of Spanish-speaking countries and communities. Developing cultural competency allowed me to create more authentic and meaningful learning experiences for my students, fostering respect, empathy, and a deeper connection to the language and its speakers. Additionally, enhancing cultural competency improved communication and collaboration with my students, colleagues, and parents from diverse cultural backgrounds, ultimately enriching the teaching and learning environment.

Fun Fact:

One fact about myself is that I am incredibly adventurous and have a passion for adrenaline-pumping activities such as surfing, skydiving, climbing, and various adventure sports. I thrive on the thrill of exploration and pushing my limits in new and exciting ways. Additionally, I've had the unique experience of appearing in three television shows in Spain further adding to my diverse range of experiences and interests.

Membership Spotlight

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